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Below are links for sozai sites I've used + a collection of my favourite sites!
Hover over the buttons for a little site info!

Sozai Neocities Fansites Resources Old Net Software Gaming Doujin Music Articles

Sozai, Web Materials, Pixel & Adoptable
miracle town-お菓子のフリー素材と手作りデコ雑貨
Neocities & Personal sites
Fandom & Fansites

Web dev Resources HTML tutorials, code snippets, and everything you need to start your own site
Free Japanese Fonts
RV's free Javascript/DHTML effects
Old Net
Internet archive with classic aesthetic.
Melonland Forum Old web revival community
World of KaoAni An archive of KaoAni.
Geocities Gallery An archive of sites from the original Geocities.
Software Library Archive of MS-DOS Software.
Netscape ISP Netscape front page as you remember it, but fully current.
Asesprite One of the best pixel art programs out there
Notepad++ Fantastic HTML/CSS/general code editor
Cutting Room Floor Leftover unused content in games.
Hidden palace Preservation of game prototypes, demos, etc. Game fan translations.
FantasyAnime Fantasy JRPG info, DLs and TLs.